Monday, December 24, 2018

GayIsManly is back!

I'm glad to be back everyone! To hell with tumblr, we are going to go with blogger now. Censorship of that magnitude can feel like a crushing blow, but I wasn't about to give up on the blog. This was actually a very old blog that I used to try and host porn videos on in the past, it was kind of a dead blog anyway so I repurposed it for GayIsManly. So, for those of you who used to follow me here, you are not going crazy. LOL. It will be for a different purpose, but will have similar content. Mostly pictures, gifs, and descriptions. If I do post videos they will be very short, to avoid being taken down. For those who followed me from tumblr, welcome back guys.

I have always been fascinated by the intersection between masculinity and homoerotic behavior. There will be a lot of adult content and the general appreciation for dudes being dudes. I hope to continue posting about my love of men and masculinity, since it seems like the content resonated with so many people. I was able to save all of my thousands of posts from tumblr, but it's going to take me a while to put them on here. Look forward to old and new content in the coming weeks. And thanks for sticking with me. ;-)