Saturday, March 30, 2019

Man Feet

I love men's feet. The feel of their masculine rough soles and the perfect looking shape of the foot’s arch.

When I was a kid, every day I would come home from school and see my neighbor relaxing on the front porch. He would prop his bare feet up and lay back in his chair. Even at that age, just the sight of him and his bare feet made my insides churn. It was an amazing feeling. My lizard brain knew what it wanted. At the time, I didn’t understand why I felt that way, but it’s clear I’ve always had an appreciation for the male form.

When a man puts his feet up, it’s as if he has no care in the world. He’s happy. Being barefoot with other guys is the epitome of male intimacy. Feeling free together. For me, massaging another man’s feet is the ultimate way of showing your love and appreciation for them. Give them relief from everyday burdens.

Men who walk around barefoot are one with nature and feel the earth beneath them. Dudes should be barefoot.

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